Support SVdP Financially

Business of Good

Every purchase and donation at a St. Vinnie’s store, and every monetary gift to SVdP, helps us build a better community.
We reduce waste, create jobs, develop affordable housing, and provide stability for your most vulnerable neighbors.

Sustainer’s Circle

“I’m grateful that St. Vinnie’s is sympathetic to the marginalized, day after day, working programs that set people on their way to self-sufficiency.”

When you become a member of the Sustainer’s Circle, you join a community of supporters who make a commitment to the mission of SVDP through  monthly or quarterly contributions.

A recurring donation helps us  budget and allocate funds to where help is needed the most. This kind of stability increases our capability to serve the growing needs in the community. 

You can make a sustainable change for our unhoused and vulnerable neighbors with $20 or $30 per month and watch your donations add up by the end of the year!

Make sustainable change as a member of the Sustainer’s Circle!

  • $20 a month clothes, feeds and provides showers for an unhoused neighbor
  • $30 a month provides Kids Club for an affordable housing complex
  • $50 a month provides food, clothes, and showers for one family a month at First Place Family Center
  • $100 a month provides a Veteran with job training and housing stability
  • $500 a month shelters an unaccompanied youth at our Youth House
sustainer circle of open hands

Business Partner & Sponsorships

We are honored to have the support of so many local organizations and businesses. By pledging your support annually, your business will be featured here on our website and through various marketing and event opportunities throughout the year. We are open to hearing about your giving goals, and matching your organization or business with ways to create the largest impact. Learn more about our sponsorship programs below.

donate to st. vincent de paul
Build a Legacy - Give Back

Build A Legacy

Name SVdP Lane County in Your Will or Retirement Plan

Show future generations and your loved ones that the work you care about will be cared for in years to come. By naming St. Vincent de Paul of Lane County, Inc. in your will or as a beneficiary, you will help us continue our important work.


  • Name St. Vincent de Paul Society of Lane County, Inc. in your Will or revocable trust. Naming St. Vincent de Paul Society of Lane County, Inc. in your Will or trust will cost you nothing during your lifetime but can leave a lasting legacy of support. A bequest can be for a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or a percentage of the balance remaining in your estate after other bequests have been fulfilled. Our Tax ID # is 93-0454786.
  • Name St. Vincent de Paul Society of Lane County, Inc. as a beneficiary of your retirement plan or life insurance policy. A pre-tax retirement account and proceeds from a life insurance policy are typically subject to both estate and income taxes. However, these taxes can be avoided by naming St. Vincent de Paul Society of Lane County, Inc. as the beneficiary. The donation comes to us tax free. Our Tax ID # is 93-0454786.
  •  If you have already named SVdP in your will, please let us know so that we can ensure your gift is directed according to your wishes. 

More Ways to Give

BottleDrop Oregon Redemption Center

Recycle for good! Bring your bottles and cans to any bottle drop redemption center, open a FREE BottleDrop account, and designate SVdP Lane County as your charity of choice!

ShopRaise - Give Back

St. Vincent de Paul Society of Lane County is proud to partner with ShopRaise. From groceries and apparel to technology and travel – a percentage of almost everything you buy using the ShopRaise app goes to support our cause. Click to download and start supporting us with every purchase.

Fred Meyer Community Rewards - Where shopping & giving unite

When shopping for household goods, groceries, and more, you could be making a difference for your neighbors in need at the same time! Sign up for a rewards program with Fred Meyer, and designate SVdP Lane County as your charity of choice!

Use code: GI264

United Way of Lane County

Employee Giving, Volunteering, & Matching Gifts

We are proud to partner with United Way of Lane County to establish employee giving programs and localized generosity.

Some companies see the value in encouraging their staff to give back to the community. Ask your employer about their volunteer opportunities, if they have an employee giving opportunities, or if they are able to match monetary donations. Several large corporations and local institutions have these programs already in place!

Thrivent Action Team service projects

Thrivent Members

We’re proud to be a Thrivent Choice enrolled organization!

Through the Thrivent programs, we are eligible to receive grant dollars, fee-free donations, and support from Thrivent Action Team service projects.

To learn more about Thrivent’s membership benefits and generosity programs visit

Thrivent Action Team service projects

SVdP established the McDonald Community Vision (MCV) Fund as a flexible funding stream, which, in the spirit of Emeritus Director Terry McDonald’s 50-year legacy of service, will allow the organization to continue investing in community-serving opportunities with agility.

To learn more about McDonald Community Vision Fund visit McDonald Community Vision page

Charity Navigator Give with Confidence

St. Vincent de Paul is Lane County’s largest nonprofit human services organization. Founded in 1953 and incorporated in 1955, the Agency helps more than 50,000 individuals and families each year with emergency and homeless services, and affordable housing. St. Vincent de Paul is committed to providing comprehensive programs to alleviate poverty and help all individuals find a path out of poverty and into self-sufficiency.

Community Volunteers