Recycling and Manufacturing

Internationally Recognized Leaders

St. Vincent de Paul is an internationally recognized leader in developing recycling-based businesses. These businesses have a quadruple bottom line: they responsibly reuse and recycle products; provide quality goods and services to the community; provide jobs and job training; and generate revenue to fund our charitable activities.

For inquiries about our Recycling and Manufacturing programs, please email
This email responds to inquiries Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Recycling Center

Appliance recycling

St. Vinnie’s offers free appliance removal from Eugene, OR and nearby local residential locations! Call to request pickup: 541-345-0595 in Eugene-Springfield, or 541-997-8460 in the Florence area.

Appliance repair has been an integral part of St. Vincent de Paul’s mission since 1983. Appliances (including refrigerators, freezers, ranges, washers and dryers) that need simple repairs are refurbished, painted and sold in our retail thrift stores.

Appliances that cannot be repaired are recycled. Each machine is stripped of components such as copper, tin, steel, plastic, motors and compressors. The oil is removed in an environmentally responsible matter. CFCs (ozone-depleting gases) are also removed and cleaned for resale.

Free appliance pickup/removal is offered Monday-Friday only, but dropped-off appliance donations are also accepted every day, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., at St. Vinnie’s stores with drive-up donation lanes.

To purchase an appliance, visit one of our retail thrift stores. Most major appliances carry a 90-day warranty.

Please note: At this time, we cannot accept RV appliances. Pick up is also not available for gas appliances.

Recycling Center
Recycling Center

Book recycling

Too many books? Let St. Vinnie’s take them off your hands!

Our charitable outreach relies on having shelves fully stocked with books and media in our Retail Thrift stores and Online Bookstores. Donate at the drive-thru collection center at most St. Vinnie’s Retail Thrift locations.

Have tons of books?

We work with libraries, transfer stations, and nonprofits across the country to help reuse and recycle books.

For opportunities related to pickup and transportation of truckload quantities of books contact Daven by email.

Recycling Center

Electronics recycling

Oregon E-Cycles

St. Vincent de Paul of Lane County is a proud member of the Oregon E-Cycle Program. We accept desktop computers, laptops, computer accessories, televisions, monitors, and printers through this plan for reuse and recycling with a priority on reuse! Sales from reuse products support human service programs in Lane County and keep electronics out of the landfill. Our downstream recyclers meet strict E-Cycle standards so you can be sure these items are properly recycled. 

Additionally, we go above and beyond the E-Cycle program and accept nearly all consumer electronics items for reuse and recycling!

 (we cannot accept loose batteries, fluorescent bulbs, or hazardous items) 

Our dedicated computer recycling and electronics recycling staff are knowledgeable and able to resell, repair, or recycle any consumer electronics. Common items donors bring us include cell phones, tablets, video games systems, stereo receivers, turntables, cords, cables, and other consumer electronics.

The St. Vinnie’s electronics recycling program is respectful of your data and all downstream vendors are R2 or E-Steward certified.

We accept electronics through our St. Vinnie’s donation centers. Find a donation center near you.


Recycling Center
Mattress Recycling - Recycling Center

Mattress recycling

St. Vincent de Paul is the world leader in mattress recycling. DR3, our operation in California, was the first commercially viable mattress recycling business in the world. Today, with operations in Woodland, and Stockton, California; and Eugene, Oregon; we recycle over 400,000 mattresses and box spring foundations each year.

How does it work?

Mattresses and boxsprings are cut open and separated into various components, including cotton, foam, wood and steel.  These materials are baled and shipped out for recycling.

In addition to providing a benefit for the planet St. Vincent’s de Paul’s mattress recycling program creates entry-level jobs for ex-offenders and others who have barriers to employment. We pay above minimum wage, provide benefits such as health care, and give people transferable skills that can help them find good-paying jobs in the community.

We accept mattresses and box springs for reuse and recycling at three locations in Oregon and California. Please see details for each location below.

To increase our reuse and recycling rates, please try to keep mattresses as clean and dry as possible. We reserve the right to decline soaking wet mattresses and/or items soiled with biological hazards.

Eugene Oregon: (FREE mattress and box spring drop off to 1770 Prairie Rd Location in Eugene OR)

  • 10 mattresses or fewer, drop off during business hours FREE of charge: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday – Friday.
  • Quantities greater than 10 mattresses are still FREE of charge but require an appointment. Call (458)254-5550 to schedule the drop off ahead of time.
  • Need a mattress pickup? We accept mattresses and box springs through our Premium Pickup Service. $50.00 for your first mattress or box spring and $25.00 for every additional mattress or box spring. Buying a new mattress from St. Vinnie’s? We’ll pickup your old mattress for $25.00 during delivery. Call the office number above to schedule a pickup.

Woodland California: (FREE mattress and box spring drop off to 1233 Commerce Ave, Woodland, California 95776)

  • FREE DROP OFF for mattresses and box springs during business hours: 8:00am-4:00pm Monday – Friday.

 Stockton California: ($10 recycling fee per mattress or box spring at our Stockton CA location only)

    • $10 recycling fee per mattress or box spring for all units dropped off to our Stockton location only
    • Drop off of mattresses only permitted between 6:30am-2:30pm Monday-Friday. Payment by card only. DR3 Stockton 3837 Producers Dr. Suite 500 Stockton, CA 95206
Recycling Center

Recycled wiping rags

Clothing that is donated but not valuable or sellable is given a second chance at life with our rag recycling program!

St. Vincent de Paul sells wiping rags, cut from cotton tee shirts and clothing that we are unable to sell. Wipers come in 50 lb. boxes. Prices are as follows, per 50-lb. box:

  • White Tee: $85
  • Cut Terry cloth: $85
  • Color Tee: $65

To place an order or get information during business hours, call our Seneca warehouse at 541-357-4314. (Mon – Fri 8:00am – 4:30pm) Contact us any time at:

What’s your project? Your art? Your chore?

Give yourself or someone else a fresh start with clean rags. Consider the possibilities!

SVdP’s rag business sustains jobs, re-uses commonly discarded materials, and helps divert waste from our landfills.

Recycling Center
Styrofoam Recycling at the Recycling Center

Styrofoam recycling

We shred and compress #6 expanded polystyrene (what you probably think of as Styrofoam) into dense logs, making it more cost-effective to transport to recyclers. Please note: due to contamination we can no longer accept packing peanuts.

It’s affordable for businesses!

1. Businesses must set up a recycling account inquire by email (it’s fast and free).

2. Businesses must place expanded polystyrene blocks in Super Sacks (we loan these to collect the material for free).

3. Businesses must request a pickup OR deliver directly to our warehouse location during drop-off hours: Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., at 135 N. Cleveland St., Eugene, OR 97402.

Fees for businesses are as follows:

$12 fee per Super Sack or pallet of block Styrofoam. (Because of contamination we can no longer accept packing peanuts.)

Individuals can recycle small amounts of Styrofoam for free!

Individuals can drop off up to one shopping cart of expanded polystyrene per day at any St. Vinnie’s store for FREE recycling! Click for drop off locations.

*Note: A shopping cart is roughly 4 ft. x 2 ft. x 2 ft., or 16 cubic ft. Individuals with more than 16 cubic ft. of material must pay a recycling fee of $6 for up to two carts full (about 32 cubic ft.), or $12 for up to 64 cubic ft., which will fit in a provided “Super Sack” (a poly sack which is roughly 4 ft. x 4 ft. x 4 ft. or 64 cubic ft.)

What we accept:

White block expanded polystyrene with the #6 recycling symbol. (we DO NOT accept packing peanuts.)

NO: wet or dirty Styrofoam
NO: urethane or “spray” foams
NO: food containers clean or dirty
NO: small, broken pieces or packing peanuts

Let us pick it up!

Let us save you time and labor. We can drive to your business and pick up your Styrofoam for a fee.

You must have an existing recycling account to request a pickup. To set up an account call 541-687-5820 and ask for Daven, or inquire by email.

Once you have established a recycling account, call dispatch to arrange pickup: 541-345-0595.