Night Shelter Annex

Emergency Shelter For Families Through Night Shelter Annex

The Night Shelter Annex is a low-barrier, wraparound case management and shelter program for families experiencing homelessness in Lane County, Oregon. Services include access to individual dorm units, laundry, showers, meals (breakfast and dinner) and First Place Family Center day-access center.

Emergency Housing

Supportive Services at Night Shelter Annex

Wraparound case management support focuses on supporting families to identify their goals toward self-sufficiency. This may include employment supports, housing resources, academic enrollment and support, child care options, and other community resources. Our goal is to support participants to be successfully employed and housed.

Contact and Hours

First Place Family Center at The Annex
4060 W. Amazon Drive
Eugene, OR 97405


Annex Cell: 458-221-5420

Maintenance: 458-264-1944

For families seeking services, First Place Family Center is open daily from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

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Emergency Housing
Emergency Housing

Support Night Shelter Annex

The First Place Annex staff welcomes volunteers for evening meals and activities. Any family, employee team, like-minded group, etc. that wants to help families is welcome. It’s a great opportunity for youth groups and any student who needs volunteer hours!

For those interested in supporting emergency housing at the Annex or partnering with a group that does, please email

Program Manager: Alicia Clarkson


Call: 541.780.5195